Chapter 29: Third Meet
Sure enouh, she felt uneasy and even re frihtened after seein such a custor, so she carefully treated this uest. 果然,她今日就遇到了这么一位顾客。让她看到就心里十分地不安,触及更觉胆战心惊,因此她十分地小心招待着这位客人。 He was not a scholar and had the sll of blood on his body. He had the aura of a veteran on the battlefield with a rouh and heroic face. This person was not easy to fool with. He was also the kind of person not to be provoked by others. 他并非文人,身上有着血的气息。粗犷豪迈的脸上有着久经沙场的气息,这个人绝不是那么容易糊弄的人,也是那种最怕招惹之人。 He had taken a fancy to her crystal clear! 他明显是看上了自己! He looked at her as if she was his prey in the net. 他一直用看他那对于猎物势在必得的眼神注视着自己! She was terrified and tried her best to think of a way to escape. She had to hide frothese people since she could not provoke hi She had to co up with a way to escape. 她惶恐难安,尽力想着脱身之计,惹不了的人,唯有躲,她必须要来一个金蝉脱壳之计。 So she de an excuse for not feelin well, left after one dance, and returned to her roo 于是一支舞跳完,她就借口自己身体不舒服而离去,回到自己房中。 The re danerous it was, the calr she had to think of a counterasure. But now she was his at on his choppin block, and it wouldn’t be easy for her to escape. 越危险的时候越要冷静地去想对策,可是如今人为刀俎,我为鱼肉,想要脱身没有那么容易。 She would never be safe as lon as she was still the irl in this place and continued to ke a livin by this. 只要她还是这楼里的姑娘,只要她还接着客人,靠卖艺为生,她就一直不会安全。 She tried her best to avoid this n and dode a