Chapter 22 : Crown Prince Li
Suddenly, I heard a danerous sound and instinctively knew soone was approachin. Althouh I aa well-bred lady frothe Cui faly, I have lived throuh turbulent tis, learnin horse ridin and huntin. I aalso proficient with a un, which I always carry with . 突然我听到了危险的声音,下意识我就知道有人靠近了,我虽然是名门闺秀,崔氏之女。但是我生活在乱世,骑马射猎我都学过,并且我还会枪,而且我还随身都携带了枪。 I would never dare to wander alone in rete areas without bein well-prepared. Because I have a un, I felt secure. 如果不是早有防备,我绝对不敢一个人孤身在荒郊野外上行走。因为有枪,所以我有恃无恐。 \"Don\''''t ve!\" I aid un at the suspicious straner. “不许动!”我拿着枪对准了这个来路不明的人。 \"Miss, it\''''s ,\" the person revealed an exquisite face, and it turned out to be the youn n I t workin in the fields. “姑娘,是我”只见对方露出了一张五官非常精致的脸,原来是那个田间劳作的少年。 \"How did you end up here?\" I asked, still feelin apprehensive and cautious. “你怎么会在这里?”我心有余悸,并且防范着他道。 \"Why are you here, Miss? This place is seldotraveled, and wild anils often pass throuh. It\''''s not safe for a youn lady like you.\" “姑娘为什么会在这里?这里无人经过,并且时常有野兽经过,你一个姑娘家,很不安全的。” \"What\''''s there to be afraid of when I have this?\" I lanced at the un in hand, ilyin ability to protect self. “我有这个又有什么可怕的呢?”我用眼神瞄了瞄我手上的枪。 ………… I later discovered that I would frequently encounter the youn n at this location. He was also deeply passionate about enhancin crop yields, and I viewed hias a kindred spirit.