Chapter 3: First Encounter初相
However, the re difficult it was for to enter, the re difficult it was for others as well. Those who de it were enerally the social elites or fropowerful, wealthy falies. 但是我越难进入这里学习,就说明其他的人也越难进,最后能进来的基本都是社会精英,即使不是精英人士,也是家族背景深厚,富可敌国之辈。 This was where I first t Zhan Guoyin. 这也是我初次遇到张国英的地方。 Upon our first encounter, I was struck by his handso face. At the ti, I was disuised as a boy to pursue studies, and he was a handso, eleant youn n. 初见时,惊鸿一面。 那时的我女扮男装来求学,遇上了那个翩翩公子颜如玉的他。 一面惊鸿,一见倾城。 Growin up iersed in politics, I had a keen nd for the chaos of the tis. The extraordinary Zhan Guoyin could possibly beco the future crown prince. 从小耳濡目染的我有着政治头脑,乱世中,群雄四起。而这个精彩绝伦的他,很可能就是未来太子。 When I t hi his father had already assed litary power and was beinnin to ke a na for hielf. 因为在我认识他的时候,他的父亲已经是集兵权于一身,开始有了崭露头角之势。 So, for the sake of faly and to secure a future for faly and self, I had to approach hiand assu the title of his beloved cunninly. 所以为了自己的家族,为了给家族谋后路,也为给自己谋后路。我只有处心积虑地接近他,并且冠上了自己是他的心上人的头衔。 "Zhan Guoyin, I like you!" “张国英,我喜欢你!” "Zhan Guoyin, I love you!" “张国英,我爱你!” "Zhan Guoyin, I adestined to rry you!" “张国英,我嫁定你了!” "Zhan Guoyin, in this lifeti, I will rry no one but you!" “张国英,我这辈子非你不嫁!” …… I pursued hi ran after h