032 老兵悲歌
“谢谢,肖恩。我看到了诺亚,他是一个命运眷顾的人。” “我还以为你会说他有一个好老板呢。” “不会的,你也是我的老板,我从来不会拍自己老板的马屁。” “我清楚了。” “负责你安全的那两个人实在是很业余,我在三个街区之外就看到他们了,他们居然还觉得自己很不错。” “交给你了,过两天会有一些从军队上下来的人。十五年的老兵,他们已经适应了赤裸裸的战场,但是城市对于他们来说太陌生了。” “很乐意为你效劳。” “去诺亚为你们准备的农场吧,那里面有一个餐厅,口味应该很适合你们这些老头子。” 科斯塔又回到了微醺的状态,肖恩原本觉得自己很能喝,毕竟上辈子也是喝完白酒、啤酒漱口的人,可是他发现,尤其是这些原本是匈牙利或者东欧的人,其实更能喝。 他摇摇晃晃的站起来,低头致意,转身离开了。 走了两步又折回来。 “我刚才说你和洛杉矶的那些老家伙很像,我收回。仅仅这一点,你就和那些老家伙完全不一样,你会死在你家中的躺椅上的,相信我。” 肖恩笑着点点头,身后传来了直升机旋翼的声音。 现在是下午六点,标准的堵车时间,他实在不愿意将自己宝贵的时间浪费在拥堵的车流中。 “老板,我们起飞了。” 肖恩带上了防噪耳机,直升机瞬间飞上了纽约的夜空。 There''''s a reckonin a''''con And it burns beyond the rave With lead inside belly Cause soul has lost its way Oh, Lazarus, how did your debts et paid? Oh, Lazarus, were you so afraid? When the fires, when the fires have surrounded you With the hounds of hell con'''' after you I''''ve ot blood I''''ve ot blood on na When the fires, when the fires are consun you And your sacred stars won''''t be uidin you I''''ve ot blood I''''ve ot blood, blood on na Not a spell onna be broken With a potion or a priest When you''''re cursed you''''re always hopin'''' That a prophet would be rieved Oh, Lazarus, how did your debts et paid? Oh, Lazarus, were you so afraid? Can''''t you see I''''sorry? I will ke it worth your while I''''de of dead n''''s ney You can see it in sle Oh, Lazarus, how did your debts et paid? Oh, Lazarus, were you so afraid? When the fires, when the fires have surrounded you And the whole wide world''''s con'''' after